MGT8033- Leading Organizational change
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Assignment 3
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Individual case study 2 (write between 2000 – 2400 words)
Friday 24 October 2014 (11.59pm AEST)
You should write the case study in such a way that you start your answers from line 1. That is, there is no need for large introductions that we see in essays. You should apply the principles you have learned from lecture material/tutorials/readings that are specific to the case study. Case study 2 answers should be written in narrative form (i.e. sentences not bullet points).
Individual Case Study 2
Use the VRD Industries case information from Case Study 1.
Required: Based on your analysis of VRD Industries in Case Study 1, you are now required to continue the external change consultancy role. Case study 2 requires you to implement change intervention models to solve the company’s range of change issues. Use the same list of issues and problems and assumptions from Case Study 1. However, if needed, add additional relationship and behavioural assumptions based on less than perfect information as follows:
Intervention 1: Use the ideas presented on P191-210201. Be creative. Design an intervention based on organizational learning to solve the problems of VRD (400-500 words). Justify why the intervention will be useful and how it will work. Note: You may also use the process interventions in Chapter 7 of your text if it relates to organizational learning;
Intervention 2: Use the team building process intervention on P240. Justify why the intervention will be useful and how it will work (300-500 words)
Intervention 3: Use the integrated strategic change intervention in Chapter 9 of your text. Justify why the intervention will be useful and how it will work (400-500 words).
In relation to intervention number 2, design a team building survey similar to (but not the same as) Table 7.2, page 241-242 in your text. Your survey should be related to the facts in the case. Include the survey as a Table(s) in text. Then explain in 400-500 words why you have chosen the variables in the survey.
Evidence: From the information relating to intervention 1, 2 and 3, use 7-10 separate references from the study book that support your selections of interventions and why you used them (900-1000 words). How can theory here be used as evidence to support your claims?
Guidelines to Case Study 2
Required: Based on your analysis of VRD Industries in Case Study 1, you are now required to continue the external change consultancy role. Case study 2 requires you to implement change intervention models to solve the company’s range of change issues. Use the same list of issues and problems and assumptions from Case Study 1. However, if needed, add additional relationship and behavioural assumptions based on less than perfect information as follows:
Intervention 1: This intervention is asking you to be creative in choosing an organisational learning technique to get people to work more cooperatively and yet more creatively. For instance, if you used a ladder of inference, how would this work and how would it help to solve the issues in VRD? Please quote from some classical articles in this field such as Espedal, B. (2008), Murray, P (2002), Argyris, C (1993)
Intervention 2: Use the team building process intervention. Describe and explain why this process will be useful and how it can be implemented within VRD given the facts in the case. For the team building exercise, use the intervention techniques explained on P240 through 242 of Waddell et al. Try to use team skills or behaviours that seem applicable for VRD, not what is in the text. Use the text table structure however as a basis to build and describe your team building process intervention. Please use and quote relevant theoretical points from at least the following readings in your Module books including Bulla, R. Bell, C. (1986), Murray, P. Millett, B. (2011), Kirkman, B.L., & Rosen, B.( 2000).
Intervention 3: Use the integrated strategic change intervention explained on P311 through 314 of Waddell et al. Please note that this intervention is not asking you to do a Strategic Plan as in Strategic Management. Rather, it is focused on developing an Integrated Strategic Change Process. Please use and quote relevant theoretical points from at least the following readings: Cummings, TG 1997, Greiner, L. Bhambri, A. (1989).
In relation to intervention number 2, design a team building survey similar to (but not the same as) Table 7.2, page 241-242 in your text. Here, have a closer look at the problems and issues in the case. Now if you were May or Lee, what things would you like to see in your team? (e.g. innovative thinking).
Evidence: This is very explicit in Point 5 above. There are enough references listed above for you to demonstrate how theory is linked to practice.
Good luck with Case Study 2 and I look forward to reading it!
Assignment 3 – Case study 2 Marking Criteria Sheet
Extensive <----> Minor level of evidence
Possible Mark
Intervention 1: Quality of organisationl learning intervention
Intervention 2: Quality of team building intervention
Intervention 3: Quality of integrated strategic change intervention
Team building survey design
Evidence: Clear use of recommended references
Quantity of your research – did you collect enough information and write enough to explain the problem and its solutions
The overall structure and logical development of your case report
Communication aspects of your presentation
Referencing (if applicable)
Writing clarity
Tertiary standard: does your analysis reach a high standard of research?
Guidelines for late Assignments
Please note that unless prior arrangements are made with your lecturer/tutor, all assignments are due to be uploaded onto EASE on the study desk by the due date. Due to fairness and equity for all other students who submit their assignments on time, if a student submits an assignment after the due date without (prior) approval of the examiner then a penalty of 5% of the total marks gained by the student for the assignment may apply for each working day late up to ten working days at which time a mark of zero may be recorded.
If you require an extension for a legitimate reason (e.g. ill health, personal circumstances not including work commitments, or for some other critical reason), please seek an extension on or before the due date by writing to the course examiner listed earlier.
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